title="East Bedlington Parish Council in Northumberland"> Site A-Z  

Small Grants

The Parish Council operates a small grants scheme to support Voluntary & Community sector groups who are either based within the Parish boundaries or, who are based outside but still deliver significant service to the residents of East Bedlington on a not for profit basis.

Appliations are available from the Parish Office or they can be downloaded from the document section of this website.

Community groups must have a constitution and a bank account in their own name.  We do not fund Individuals; activities which are normally statutory provision; businesses; salaries or wages; running costs and cannot fund retrospectively. 

Typical awards are between £50 and £250 and each application is considered on its own merit.  For an informal chat please contact the Clerks on 01670 828808 or email us clerk@eastbedlingtonpc.org.uk