title="East Bedlington Parish Council in Northumberland"> Site A-Z  

Support Groups & Local Food Banks

Mental Health Support 

NHS Crisis Team: For urgent support with your mental health phone 0800 652 2861. Text number for people with hearing loss or communication difficulties: 07887 625 277.

NHS Northumberland Talking Therapies: Free psychological treatment for people aged 16+ who have a GP in Northumberland, including one-to-one talking therapy for depression, anxiety and stress. To self-refer email: tmn.info@nhs.net

Northumberland Recovery College: Courses and workshops for adults which promote wellbeing and good mental health. Call: 07866 053717 or email: nrc@everyturn.org

Cygnus Support: Helping people in Northumberland to improve mental health and wellbeing through counselling, therapy, education and training. Call: 01670 853977 or email: admin@cygnussupport.com

Anxious Minds: A North East Charity offering mental health information, advice and emotional support, plus online, face-to-face counselling sessions for a £25 charge, Call: 01670 946188.

ManHealth: Supporting men through difficulties with their mental and physical ill health. Provides advice and support groups including one at Briardale House, Blyth, Mondays 6pm-8pm. Call 01388 320023 or email: info@manhealth.org.uk

Kooth: Online mental health support for children and young people (11-25 years)

Samaritans: Call 116 123, 24 hours, 365 days a year.

Shout: A free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. Text 85258. 

Local Food Banks  

Bedlington Food Bank: Email: bedlingtonfoodbank@gmail.com

Bedlington Salvation Army Foodbank: Email: bedlington@salvationarmy.org.uk

Blyth Foodbank: Email: blythfoodbank@email.com

Community Food and Friendship Blyth: Email: cffblyth@gmail.com 

Cramlington Food Bank: Email: info@cramlington.foodbank.org.uk

Real Deal Plus at Ashington Life Centre: Email: kath.falcus@realdealplus.org.uk

Wansbeck Valley Food Bank: Email: wansbeckvalleyfoodbank@gmail.com